If you are interested in being supervised by Thomas Beschorner, his lectures Corporate Social Responsibility in Theorie und Praxis (Master) and Ethics of Financial Services (Master) provide a good foundation.
Please contact Thomas Beschorner with an idea for a topic.
The Chair Kolmar supervises doctoral dissertations working on the following topics:
If you are interested in being supervised by Martin Kolmar, his lectures Ökonomie des Glücks (Bachelor), Economics and Ethics, Modern Theories of Justice and Beyond Homo Economicus (Master) provide a good foundation.
Your thematic interest should fall into one of the above areas. Please contact Martin Kolmar with an idea for a topic.
If you are interested in being supervised by Florian Wettstein, his lecture Business Ethics in Turbulent Times (Master) provides a good foundation.
Please contact Florian Wettstein with an idea for a topic.
Professor of Business Ethics
Professor of Economics with special focus on Applied Microeconomics
Professor of Business Ethics