Research at the IWE-HSG explores various aspects of the normative in economics, business, and society, spanning from human rights in corporate and state activities (Florian Wettstein), to reconstructing normativity in larger cultural contexts (Thomas Beschorner), and the normative evaluation of economic systems and policies (Martin Kolmar).
Our interdisciplinary approach allows it to draw upon a broad range of empirical and methodological competencies, which complement one another and foster creative thinking on what business ethics, normative economics, and ethics can and should be. Our commitment to the highest standards of research drives us to do research inspired by practical problems that seeks to contribute to their understanding and potential solution, aligning with the University of St. Gallen's motto "From Insight to Impact".
We believe that the breadth of our expertise sets us apart from other research centers working on normative problems related to business ethics. We recognize that understanding what "good business" is about is inherently complex and must be based on a comprehensive understanding of key societal challenges. Such an understanding requires a combination of knowledge from legal, philosophical, cultural, economic, and social-science perspectives. We view this combination of qualifications as a critical strength of our institute and strive to develop research that reflects this complexity and contributes to the practical challenges faced by businesses and society.