Society for Business Ethics

The Society for Business Ethics is a scientific society that has existed since around 1980 and in which many IWE members are active.

Special activities are:  

Emerging Scholar Program

The Emerging Scholar Program of the Society for Business Ethics is an initiative for the promotion of doctoral students, in which 12-16 researchers are accepted annually and receive mentoring at the annual conference of the Society for Business Ethics as well as workshops in the field of business and corporate ethics.   

The program has been led by Florian Krause (IWE-HSG) and Joé Martineau (HEC Montreal) since 2016. Interested parties can get in touch with Florian Krause or via the Society for Business Ethics (link


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Society for Business Ethics

The DEIC of the Society for Business Ethics has the task of addressing barriers for researchers and discrimination in the context of the Society for Business Ethics and developing proposals for solutions. In this context, for example, support for researchers in need was organized for the first time in 2024 to make it easier for them to attend the annual conference. Florian Krause (IWE HSG) and Rita Mota (ESADE) have chaired the committee since 2023.  In 2024, the focus will be on Language Diversity  


Junior Scholar Network

The Junior Scholar Network was created in the context of the Emerging Scholar Program of the SBE and aims to strengthen the exchange between young researchers in the field of business and corporate ethics through networking and various event formats. It is open to all interested parties.



Florian Krause


Senior Research Fellow

Büro 48-318
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St Gallen