Working Group on Economic Philosophy and Ethics in the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie

The Working Group on Economic Philosophy and Ethics (AG WPE) is a forum for research and discussion of economic philosophy and ethics in the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (DGPhil).

Welcome everyone interested in Economic Philosophy (Wirtschaftsphilosophie)

For quite some time, philosophy and economics were deeply intertwined. Their differentiation into separate disciplines led to analytical distinctions, which until today leave certain phenomena, questions and contexts out of view. Economic Philosophy can therefore be understood as a systematic way of re-viewing or “Wieder-oder-anders-in-den Blick-Nehmen”, allowing for a variety and intersection of theoretical perspectives and their real-life(world) departures and entrances.

We look forward to your reaching out to us,
Michaela Haase, Ingrid Becker und Verena Rauen

The journal ORDO accepts submissions of papers in German or English for review on the topic of our workshop "Social Coordination in Market Economies: Ontology, Theory, Ethics". Deadline: 30 April 2025.

Consider joining us for the Economists' Philosophy Day and helping to create new connections and diversions.

«The Past of the Futures» – Our Call for Papers in collaboration with the Journal of Philosophical Economics just opened.

All members of the AG WPE in the DGPhil are cordially invited to the annual meeting on September 18–20, 2025 at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

A joint position paper, which emerged from the scoping workshop sponsored by the VolkswagenStiftung, attempts to reflect the diverse positions regarding the situation of economic philosophy in Germany.

Panel at this year's German Congress for Philosophy organized by the Working Group on Economic Philosophy and Ethics

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An Analysis Including Values, Norms, and Science-Related Issues


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Call for Papers

Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Economic Philosophy and Ethics

The Past of the Futures: Inquiries Taking the Lens of Economic Philosophy

The Economists’ Philosophy Day 2025

The AI Revolution: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Management


New book series

Studies in Philosophy of Economics


Ingrid Becker


Senior Research Fellow

Büro 48-320
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St Gallen

Verena Rauen


Associate Member - Fellow

Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St. Gallen