from December 12, 2005
The University Council of the University of St.Gallen, based on Art. 9 Para. 1 lit. a and Para. 2 of the Law on the University of St.Gallen of May 26, 1982, enacts as Statutes:
Art. 1 An Institute for Business Ethics (IWE+HSG) exists at the University of St.Gallen.
Art. 2 The purpose of the Institute is the scientific treatment of questions in the field of business ethics, in particular:
a) research in all subfields of business ethics (business citizen ethics, business ethics, regulatory ethics of the market economy) as well as on the ethical foundations and implications of the economic sciences (economics+ and business administration);
b) the support and supplementation of teaching at the University of St.Gallen in the subject area of the Institute;
c) the provision of services, in particular through expert and consulting activities;
d) the organization of continuing education events;
e) the provision of information and documentation in the Institute's field of expertise and the communication of the relevant findings to the scientific community and the broader public.
Art. 3 the institute cooperates with interested communities, enterprises and organizations, in particular with related institutes and research centers.
Art. 4 The governing bodies of the Institute are:
a) Executive Committee;
b) Management.
The organs of the Institute shall constitute themselves within the framework of the provisions of these Statutes.
Art. 5 The Executive Committee consists of:
a) two to four lecturers of the University of St.Gallen;
b) at least two external representatives from academia or practice.
c) The University Chaplains may be members.
The Senate elects the members of the Executive Committee. From among them, the University Council appoints the President at the request of the Senate. The members of the Executive Board participate in the meetings of the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.
Art. 6 The Executive Committee:
a) supervises the activities of the Institute;
b) approves the strategy;
c) approves guidelines on the acceptance of orders;
d) approves the organizational structure and necessary guidelines;
e) proposes amendments to these bylaws to the University Council;
f) issues guidelines on the accounting of the Institute;
g) decides on the budget and approves the annual accounts at the request of the management annual accounts and submits them to the University Council;
h) receives the annual report of the Directorate and in turn reports to the University Council;
i) may represent the Institute vis-à-vis the organs of the University and third parties;
j) submits proposals to the Senate for the attention of the University Council for the election and dismissal of the members of the Directorate and elects its chairperson from among the members of the Directorate.
Art. 7 The University Council, at the request of the Senate, shall elect one or more faculty members working at the Institute as Director or members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may appoint members of the faculty as vice-directors.
Art. 8 The Directorate shall conduct the day-to-day business of the Institute.
The Directorate:
a) develops the strategy and organizational structure of the Institute and submits the necessary reports, regulations and guidelines to the Executive Committee for approval;
b) submits guidelines on the acceptance of assignments to the Executive Committee for approval;
c) develops the work program;
d) hires the scientific staff and other Institute employees;
e) organizes the work procedures in the Institute, directs the activities of the Institute staff and provides for their continuing education;
f) prepares the budget, the annual accounts and submits the annual report;
g) uses the funds within the budget;
h) may submit proposals to the Executive Committee for amendments to these Bylaws;
i) represents the Institute towards the organs of the University and towards third parties;
j) decides on behalf of the Institute insofar as the regulations governing the University of St.Gallen or these Statutes do not declare another body responsible.
Art. 9 The Institute of Business Ethics shall operate on a cost-covering basis.
The financial needs of the Institute shall be covered in particular by:
a) income from the provision of services;
b) income from continuing education events of the Institute;
c) other funds generated by Institute activities;
d) income from the invested funds of the Institute;
e) contributions from the University of St. Gallen and from institutions for the promotion of scientific research.
Art. 10 Contributions of third parties to the Institute for a specific purpose shall be reported and administered separately.
Art. 11 The accounting year is the calendar year.
The auditing body for the accounts of the Institute is the Financial Control of the Canton of St.Gallen.
Art. 12 The statutes of the Institute of Business Ethics of February 6, 1989 (incl. addendum of August 15, 1990) shall be repealed.
Art. 13 These Statutes shall be applied as of January 11, 2006, after approval by the Government.
On behalf of the University Council,
The President:
The Secretary: