Bachelor and Master Theses

Information on the Supervision of
Bachelor and Master Theses
at the IWE-HSG

Chair Beschorner

If you are interested in being supervised by Thomas Beschorner, his lectures Corporate Social Responsibility in Theorie und Praxis (Master) and Ethics of Financial Services (Master) provide a good foundation.

Ideally, you have an idea of the topic you want to work on yourself, so that you work on something that is meaningful and enjoyable for you. The topic can be agreed upon in an individual discussion.

Chair Kolmar

The chair Kolmar supervises bachelor and master theses covering the following areas:

  • Normative economics
  • Economic behavior from the perspective of behavioral economics, psychology, evolutionary theory and neuroscience
  • Theories of justice, especially intergenerational justice and climate crisis, animal and ecosystem ethics and biodiversity crisis
  • Theories and empirical research on happiness and the successful life
  • Buddhism and yogic traditions of Hinduism and neuroscience
  • Eastern and Western virtue ethics, empirical research, and their implications for a life-enhancing economy
  • Critique of the economic mainstream, especially the conception of man and epistemic and ontological normativity
  • Economic conflict and competition theory
  • Economics of the climate crisis

If you are interested in being supervised by Martin Kolmar, his lectures Ökonomie des Glücks (Bachelor), Economics and Ethics, Modern Theories of Justice and Beyond Homo Oeconomicus (Master) provide a good foundation.

Ideally, you have an idea of the topic you want to work on yourself, so that you work on something that is meaningful and enjoyable for you. The topic can be agreed upon in an individual discussion.

Chair Wettstein

The Wettstein Chair supervises Bachelor's and Master's theses covering the following areas:

  • Business and Human Rights
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Business ethics in general

If you are interested in being supervised by Florian Wettstein, his lectures Business Ethics in Turbulent Times (Master) and Business and Human Rights: Ethical, Legal, and Managerial Perspectives provide a good foundation.

Ideally, you have an idea of the topic you want to work on yourself, so that you work on something that is meaningful and enjoyable for you. The topic can be agreed upon in an individual discussion.

Call for Applications

Call for Applications

Contact & Questions

Thomas Beschorner

Prof. Dr.

Professor of Business Ethics

Büro 48-319
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St Gallen

Martin Kolmar

Prof. Dr.

Professor of Economics with special focus on Applied Microeconomics

Blumenbergplatz 9
Büro 48-323
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St. Gallen

Florian Wettstein

Prof. Dr.

Professor of Business Ethics

Büro 48-315
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St. Gallen