Kebene Kejela Wodajo

Kebene Kejela Wodajo

Kebene Kejela Wodajo


Assoziiertes Mitglied

Büro 55-304
Girtannerstrasse 8
9010 St. Gallen

Business & Human Rights/Business Ethics

Law & technology

International and human rights law

African ethics


Economic analysis of law

BHR, technology and Africa

  • Ph.D./S.J.D., Doctor of Laws, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (March 2019).
  • M.A., & LL.M., Triple degree in European Master in Law & Economics, (Sep. 2017).
    • LL.M., Universität Hamburg with University of California at Berkeley
    • M.A., Aix-Marseille Université and
    • LL.M., Ghent University
  • LL.M., International Law, (July 2013); LL.B., Laws, Mekelle University, (July 2008).

Kebene Wodajo is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Business Ethics, University of St.Gallen. Her research project “Potentials and Limits of Emerging Technologies for the Development in Sub-Saharan Africa” is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Prior to taking up her current position, Wodajo has been a lecture and visiting lecturer at Ambo University and Addis Ababa University School of Law, respectively (Summer 2019). She was a visiting student researcher at UC Berkeley, School of Law Center for Law and Economics with a research focus on law and economics of multinational enterprises’ social responsibility – tortious liability (Spring 2017). Between 2014 and 2017 she served as assistant editor of Asian Journal of Law and Society. 

  • Verantwortung/Responsibility: Corporate Responsibility In Sub-Saharan Africa - Health Care, Technology & Human Rights (spring 2022).
  • Guest lecturer - on ‘business, human rights and technology in Sub-Saharan Africa’, part of a course - ‘Corporate Responsibility in Africa’ (2020 - spring, 2021).



Project title - ‘Regulating Structural Injustice in the Digital Space’ (for details here) funded by GFF-IPF

  • Member, Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, 2018 to present.
  • Member, European Law and Economics Alumni and scholars, 2017 to present.
  • Member, Swiss Society for African Studies, 2020 to present.
  • Member, Black in AI, 2020 to present. 
  • Excellent graduate student of the year, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2019.
  • Full Erasmus + Scholarship Grant for the study of European Master in Law & Economics, 2016/17.
  • Full Chinese Government Scholarship grant for the study of Doctor of Juridical Science, 2014-2018 
  • Kebene Wodajo, “Remedying adverse human rights impacts arising from Digital Technologies: a bird's eye view” presented at OHCHR Multi-stakeholder Consultation on Access to Remedy in the Tech Sector, 23-24 September 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Isabel Ebert & Kebene Wodajo, “Reimagining corporate responsibility for (in)justice in the digital ecosystem: A perspective from African ethics of duty” presented at Delocalised justice: The transnationalisation of corporate accountability for human rights violations originating in Africa, 25-26 March 2021, Netherlands.
  • Kebene Wodajo, “The Role of Tech-companies in Addressing Human Rights Risks in Africa,” presented at CCAR Launch, January 14-15, 2020, St.Gallen, Switzerland.
  • Kebene K. Wodajo, “The Place of Oromo Women in Ethiopia’s Past and Present,” presented at the UN Women – The role of women in peacebuilding, October 8, 2019, Adama, Ethiopia.
  • Kebene Wodajo, “Handling the Costs of Litigation over Corporate Abuses,” in The Economic case for Promoting Human Rights, presented at the 7th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, November 26-28, 2018, UN Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kebene Wodajo, “From Social Auditing to Human Rights Due Diligence,” Commentator on a Workshop by Clean Clothes Campaign and Business & Human Rights Resource Center, December 11, 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Kebene Wodajo, “Multinational Enterprises’ Social Responsibility and Liability Rules: An Economic Analysis,” presented at The 3rd Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit in, April 19-20, 2018, New York University, New York, USA.
  • Kebene K. Wodajo, “The Right to Development as Constitutive and Prescriptive Right: The Lower Omo Valley Case of Ethiopia,” presented at ICIHRL 2016: 18th International Conference on International Human Rights Law, August 8-9, 2016, Seattle, USA.
Editorial Board

Deputy Editor at The African Journal of Business Ethics (
