Rose Wangui Kimotho

Rose Wangui Kimotho

Rose Wangui Kimotho

Wissenschaftliche Assistentin

Büro 48-316
Blumenbergplatz 9
9000 St Gallen

Business and human rights


Business and human rights

  • LL. M in international legal studies, Georgetown University Law Centre, 2010
  • LL. B, University of Nairobi, 1998 

Wangui Kimotho is a PHD candidate and Research Associate with the Institute for Business Ethics at the University of St. Gallen. She is a human rights lawyer whose early experience was advocating for the protection of refugees, displaced and other conflict-affected persons around the world after which she transitioned into business and human rights. She previously led the eastern Africa regional business and human rights work of, the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) from 2017 – 2019, and the Institute for Business and Human Rights from 2013 – 2017. In her work at DIHR, she focused on strengthening the capacity of national human rights institutions to respond to business-related human rights violations and contributed to development the Kenya National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. With IHRB, she led efforts to develop a multi-stakeholder dialogue platform for the emerging extractive sector in Kenya. 


She briefly taught a course on Introduction to International Law at the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi Kenya (2010) 
